Grant Application
The Community Health Foundation awards grant funding to local organizations whose purpose supports the Foundation's mission of improving health in Kay County, Oklahoma. Applications are due each year no later than August 15 and recipients are notified by the end of September if funding will be awarded. Applying organizations must be in good financial standing and complete all parts of the application to be considered.
Please direct any questions to the CHF's Executive Director at
*REQUIRED* Please upload a detailed budget of how the funds awarded will be used. Two file types accepted - either Document or Image. If uploading a Document, please use the Upload File button on the left. If uploading an Image, please use the Upload File button on the right.
By submitting this application, you acknowledge that the distribution and amount of funds distributed by the Community Health Foundation is the sole discretion of the Community Health Foundation AND that if your organization receives funds from the Community Health Foundation, an outcome report (which can be found on this website) is required to be submitted by your organization by July 31.
Signature of chief staff person & officer of the Board of Directors is required.
Chief Staff Person:
Board Member:
Thank you for submitting your application!!